Yi Anju Cottage is the opening and creator of Westerncalligraphy art, using the soil and root seedlings of Chinesecalligraphy to cultivate and graft the art of Western calligraphy.The work has the charm of " The trend of brush and ink changewith motif,Rich and pure,elegant and beautiful constantlychanging ", and the layout is novel and ingenious. Chinesestrokes are rich and round, generous; English is elegant, etherealand clever. Chinese and Western combination, shine forever like thesun and the moon.
The Mona Lisa is the classic works of calligraphy art. It has aunique conception and has a profound meaning.Because the westerncalligraphy art has no first specimen, there is no establishedpractice, so the author write like an angel, floating clouds andflowing water, free and easy, put freely.
The author's arts of paints and calligraphy have been a lotoutstanding contribution to the artistic cause of mankind.Withallied consideration the honour“The world well-known artisticperson”have been awarded to him.
This calligraphy art work has been approved by the council ofthe World Art Union Council and is listed as the permanentcollection of the association.