中西合璧民间书法艺术沁园春恨Qinyuan Spring Hate
更新:2024-10-12 14:06 编号:31032144 发布IP: 浏览:16次- 发布企业
- 广西易安居装配式建筑有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第5年主体名称:广西易安居装配式建筑有限公司组织机构代码:91450102MA5PF9K88L
- 报价
- 人民币¥43140.00元每件
- 品牌
- 易安居草堂
- 尺寸
- 34*69cm
- 作者
- 三无居士
- 关键词
- 中西合璧,书法艺术,沁园春恨,calligraphy,art
- 所在地
- 南宁市望州南路90号时代茗城
- 手机
- 13768417119
- 联系人
- 蒋超云 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
The Chinese and English folk Calligraphy artgift "Qinyuan SpringHate"Appreciation andcollection
这是开启和创造中西书法艺术的作品之一。《沁园春·恨》是一幅独特的书法艺术作品,“难道天公,还箝恨口,不许长吁一两声?”是点睛之笔,勾写出了作者激愤决绝的神态,布局严谨,颇具美感,看似放荡不羁,其实遵守格律甚严,渲染生动形象,词语通俗,用典活脱。作者妙笔生花,行云流水,浑然洒脱,收放自如。Thisis one of the works of the invention and creation of Chinese andWestern calligraphy art."Qinyuan Spring Hate" is a uniquecalligraphy art work, " The heaven still hate mouth, do notloud shouts insupport one or two?"is the finishing touch of the pen,write the author's indignant expression, rigorous layout, quiteaesthetic, seemingly uninhibited, in fact, obey the law is verystrict, rendering vivid image, popular words, with theclassic.so theauthor write like an angel, floating clouds and flowing water, freeand easy, put freely.
易安居草堂是中西书法艺术的开启和创造者,用传统书法的土壤和根苗去培育和嫁接西洋书法艺术。作品中西合璧,文化交融,将是未来书法艺术创新发展的灿烂瑰宝,字里行间流淌着东方千年的历史和文化,笔墨挥洒描绘着西方现代文明的神韵和灵魂。YiAnju Cottage is the inventor and creator of Western calligraphyart, using the soil and root seedlings ofChinese calligraphy to cultivate and graft the art of Chinesecalligraphy. The combination of Chinese and Western works and theintegration of culture will be the brilliant treasures of thefuture innovation and development of calligraphy art. Every wordflows with the millennium history and culture of theEast, The pen and ink move freely that describesthe charm and soul of the modern westerncivilization.
世界融合,文化先行。文字是人类共通的情感表达方式,书法艺术是东方文化的瑰宝,也是人类文明的宝贵财富。中西合璧书法艺术以国际交流为桥梁,以国际展览为纽带,让各国人民在彼此间找准文化交汇点、艺术共同点和情感共鸣点,让全球文化艺术事业再续新篇章。Worldintegration, culture comes first.Writing is a common way ofemotional expression for human beings, and calligraphy art is thetreasure of Oriental culture and the precious wealth of humancivilization. With international exchanges as a bridge andinternational exhibitions as a link, the Chinese and Westerncalligraphy art of all countries can find the cultural intersectionpoint, artistic common point and emotional resonance between eachother, so that the global cultural and artistic cause will continuea new chapter.
《沁园春恨》是无言的诗歌,无形的舞蹈,无图的画作,无声的音乐。行笔圆润流畅,直有波折,曲有挑势,于粗细变化之中显其秀美,在笔墨顿挫中展其清韵,充分展示了文字艺术化的刻意追求。"QinyuanSpring Hate" is silent poetry,It is dance withoutmovement, painting without pictures, and silent music.The writingline is mellow and full and smooth, straight with twists and turns,and Curving has its trend, showing its beauty in the change ofthickness, and showing its clear charm in the brush and inksetbacks, fully demonstrating the deliberate pursuit of writingart.
中西合璧的书法作品因其独特的文化价值和艺术表现,受到了广泛的关注和收藏。这些作品不仅展示了东西方文化的交融,也反映了艺术家对于传统与现代的思考和探索。对于收藏家而言,这些作品不仅是艺术的珍品,也是文化交流的使者,具有极高的收藏价值和意义。Calligraphyworks combining both Chinese and Western elements have attractedwide attention and collection because of their unique culturalvalue and artistic performance. These works not only show theintegration of eastern and Western cultures, but also reflect theartist's thinking and exploration of tradition and modernity. Forcollectors, these works are not only treasures of art, but alsomessengers of cultural exchanges, which have high collection valueand significance.
钢铁是怎样炼成的?艺术是怎样繁荣的?现代书法艺术国际交流与展览是艺术全球化繁荣的主要通道。为了促进全球艺术事业的发展和繁荣,展现当代各种语言的书法艺术成就和风采,提升中西书法艺术zhiming度和美誉度,易安居草堂正在努力构架和建设国际交流与合作新通道。Howis the steel made up? How does art flourish? International exchangeand exhibition of modern calligraphy art is the main channel forthe prosperity of art globalization.In order to promote thedevelopment and prosperity of global art, show the achievements andstyle of contemporary calligraphy in various languages, and enhancethe popularity and reputation of Chinese and Western calligraphyart, Yi Anju Cottage is striving to framework and build a newchannel for international exchange andcooperation.
经过国际文化交流协会严格评审,作者中西合璧民间书法艺术领域中成绩显著,获得“民间艺术国际交流使者”荣誉称号。Afterthe strict evaluation by the International Cultural ExchangeAssociation, the author has made remarkable achievements in thefield of combining Chinese and Western folk calligraphy art, andwon the honorary title of "Folk Art International ExchangeMessenger".
这些开启和创造中西书法艺术的作品。不写草书,不写篆书,不写群众不认识的字,始终贯彻亲民化、近民化的艺术创作思想,坚持从群众中来,到人民中去。这些作品原著非常便宜,可以从作者那里得到,曾经在交易市场出现过,也是苏富比和佳士得公司锤下罕见便宜的艺术作品。它必将是全人类精神生活的力量,是普通民众都能欣赏并拥有的书法艺术。Thisis one of the works of the invention and creation of Chinese andWestern calligraphy art. No cursive script, no seal script, noChinese characters that the masses do not know,Always carry out theartistic creation thought of being together with the people, adhereto from the masses, Back to the people.So the original work is verycheap, available from the author, once appeared in the auctionmarket, and is the cheapest art ever auctioned by Sotheby's andChristie's.It will certainly be the power of the spiritual life ofall mankind, and it is the art of calligraphy that all ordinarypeople can appreciate and have.
中西书法艺术是东方古老文化的艺术繁衍,也是西方现代文明的艺术新潮。易安居草堂已经开始在全球范围内寻求和招募区域经纪人和合作伙伴,让不同肤色、不同语言、不同文化的人民都懂得欣赏书法艺术的神韵与灵魂,让全人类手牵手共享书法艺术的美学价值。Theart of Chinese and Western calligraphy is the artistic reproductionof the ancient eastern culture, and also the new artistic trend ofthe modern western civilization. Cottage H.L.E has begun to seek and recruitregional brokers and partners around the world, Let the people ofdifferent skin colors, different languages and different culturesknow how to appreciate the charm and soul of calligraphy art, andlet all mankind hand in hand to share the aesthetic value ofcalligraphy art.
成立日期 | 2020年05月07日 | ||
法定代表人 | 蒋超云 | ||
注册资本 | 200 | ||
主营产品 | 集装箱、活动板房、移动厕所、岗亭、轻钢结构件的研发、设计、制造、安装、销售及租赁;建筑智能化系统设计与安装; | ||
经营范围 | 集装箱、活动板房、移动厕所、岗亭、轻钢结构件的研发、设计、制造、安装、销售及租赁; | ||
公司简介 | 广西易安居装配式建筑有限公司是专业从事模块化装配式建筑、建材的研发、设计、生产、制造、销售、租赁等为一体的创新型企业。主要制造产品有装配式活动房、移动房、PC构件、钢铝结构、钢结构、轻钢结构装配房、抗疫装备方舱、预制混凝土构件、装配施工建材10个类别38个系列产品,产品涉及和覆盖了工地项目部临时设施、活动板房、集装房、玻璃幕墙房、移动公共厕所、岗亭门亭售货亭、预制混凝土楼梯、墙板、叠合板、征迁移民 ... |
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