《百年孤独》将是传世佳作,它寓意深远,暗藏乾坤。作者将英文纳入书法艺术体系,本身是很孤独的,全世界没有一个人在跟他做同一样的事,作者需要竭尽全力去表达悲伤和极度的孤独。作品的意境跌宕起伏,抑扬顿挫,缥缈空灵,犷野狞厉,孤影飘零。T“Cienaños de soledad” will be the best works ever left behind, itsprofound meaning, hidden in the universe.The author's inclusion ofEnglish into the calligraphy art system is itself very lonely, andno one in the world is doing the same thing as him. The author needto go out of my way to try and express sadness and extremeloneliness.Therefore, the artistic conception of the works is upsand downs, rising and falling in cadence , Ethereal andethereal,Precision and wild grim,Lonely shadow floating.
《 One Hundred Years of Solitude 》is loneliness, what isloneliness? As lonely as lying in a coffin. To do something that noone in the world is doing. No classmates, no colleagues, no peersand colleagues!
《百年孤独》作品描写了传奇故事,百年兴衰,反映了风云变幻的历史,融入神秘因素,巧妙地糅合了现实与虚幻,展现出一个瑰丽的想象世界,是重要的经典文学巨著之一。"OneHundred Years of Solitude" describes the legendary story, the riseand fall of a century, reflects the changing history, integratesthe mysterious factors, skillfully combines the reality andfantasy, and shows a magnificent imaginary world, which is one ofthe important classic literary masterpieces.
"One Hundred Years of Solitude " works won the gold medalin the "First International Calligraphy and Painting Art EducationAchievement Invitational Competition" by the organizingcommittee.