铜鼎 纯铜鼎批发价格 汇丰铜雕
2019-12-02 14:31 1次产品详细介绍
About the origin and function of "Ding": Ding was originally anancient cooking utensil, equivalent to the pot now, used forstewing and filling fish. Xu Shen said in Shuowen Jiezi: "Ding,three feet and two ears, and five flavors of the treasure also."There are three-legged round tripod and four-legged square tripod.The earliest tripod was pottery tripod made of clay, and laterbronze tripod. Legend has it that Xia Yu once took Jiu Mu"s goldand cast Jiu Ding under Jingshan Mountain to symbolize Jiuzhou, sothat people are alert to avoid being hurt by it. Since the legendof Yuzhu Jiuding came into being, the tripod has evolved from acommon cooker to a traditional heavy one. When the state wasdestroyed, Ding moved, Xia Dynasty was destroyed, Shang Dynasty wasprosperous,大型铜鼎定制, Jiuding moved to the capital of Shang Du Bo (b);when the Shang Dynasty was destroyed, Zhou Dynasty was prosperous,and Jiuding moved to the capital of Zhou Du Ho (h o).
Ding is regarded as the symbol of the nation, the stateand power, and the word "Ding" is also endowed with the extendedmeaning of "prominence", "dignity" and "grandeur". For example, theword "Ding" has nine meanings, such as "Ding", "Ding", "Ding","Ding",纯铜鼎批发价格, "Ding", "Ding", "Ding", "Ding", "Ding", "Ding","Ding", "Ding" Ding is also a ritual instrument to recordachievements. In the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor or the prince orminister had to cast a tripod to record the grand occasion whenthey were celebrating or receiving a reward. This custom still hassome influence. In order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of theUnited Nation, the People"s Republic of China presented a hugebronze tripod, Century Treasure Ding, to the United Nation at itsheadquarters on 21 October 1995. On the occasion of the celebrationof the 50th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet, theCentral Government presented the Tibetan Autonomous Region with the"treasure tripod of national unity", which stands on the Plaza ofthe Lhasa People"s Hall, symbolizing national unity and theprosperous development of various undertakings in Tibet. Thisaction has profound significance and rich culturalconnotation.
铜鼎出现时也是作为捧住食物或烧水用,后来, 铜鼎成为权力的象征。在商周时期,有这样一个规定,在过节或过寿时,在富贵权力家族中,谁得到的鼎多或者说谁得到的鼎大,就表明谁的地位,在那时,人们除送佛像等礼品外,还在送鼎,这也表示着对主人的尊敬。随着时光流逝,铜鼎已不再代表权力,但它存在的艺术价值是不可磨灭的,是任何物质都不能代替的,还永远留在悠久的历史中。
成立日期 | 2008年07月07日 | ||
法定代表人 | 邸仁良 | ||
主营产品 | 铜雕,浮雕,佛像,铜钟,香炉,鼎,城市铜雕,园林铜雕等工艺品 | ||
经营范围 | 工艺品设计、销售。(法律法规禁止经营的不得经营须报经审批的未获批准前不准经营)。 | ||
公司简介 | 唐县汇丰工艺品厂,是一家私营企业,集科研、开发设计、普通铸造、一次性整体浇铸、精密铸造于一体。我公司主要主要产品:不锈钢雕塑、铜雕、石雕、佛像、藏佛、神像、浮雕、城市雕塑、动物雕塑、人物雕塑、铜鼎、宝塔、铜香炉、青铜器、大型雕塑,产品规格及品种齐全,雕塑技术先进,工艺精湛。不但重视中国青铜器原有的艺术风格,还继承了原有的艺术品味,在继承和发扬古老文化的同时,更深一步为新老客户定身量制各种铜制工艺品 ... |
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